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Portale di Ateneo
Department of Mathematics "Giuseppe Peano"
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Italiano (it)
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Course categories:
Mathematical and Physical methods for Space Sciences
Mathematical and Physical methods for Space Sciences / Academic year 2023/2024 MPMSS
Mathematical and Physical methods for Space Sciences / Academic year 2022/2023 MPMSS
Mathematical and Physical methods for Space Sciences / Academic year 2021/2022 MPMSS
Mathematical and Physical methods for Space Sciences / Academic year 2020/2021
Mathematical and Physical methods for Space Sciences / Academic year 2019/2020
Mathematical and Physical methods for Aviation Sciences
Mathematical and Physical methods for Aviation Sciences / Academic year 2022/2023 MPMAS
Mathematical and Physical methods for Aviation Sciences / Academic year 2021/2022 MPMAS
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Advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Analytical methods for the space a. a. 2023/24
Celestial mechanics and astrodynamics a.a. 2023/24
Data Analysis a.a. 2023/24
Detectors and space equipment a.a. 2023/24
Gravitational metrology for astrophysics and cosmology a.a. 2023/24
Innovative methods for the space a.a. 2023/24
Introduction to (semi)automated software certification a.a 23/24
Machine learning a.a. 2023/24
Mission design a.a. 2023/24
Portfolio a.a. 2023/24
Relativistic mechanics and astrophysics for space sciences a.a. 2023/24
Space Science with Solar Missions